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School Safety Software & Monitoring Solutions
For public safety professionals, by public safety professionals.
Educators are using Kaseware to take proactive steps to prevent violence in our educational institutions.
By breaking down silos of information about risks to students, Kaseware enables education professionals to manage cases and analyze links to patterns indicative of these risks. Kaseware easily breaks down silos and opens unprecedented lines of electronic communication which is key to disrupting acts of violence and identifying indicators long before they manifest into violent acts.

Proactive Threat and Infrastructure Assessments in Schools
Kindergarten through 12th grade schools, including facilities that are owned by both government and private sector entities are identified as critical infrastructure in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. Planning and assessing physical facilities has a multi pronged approach. Identifying vulnerabilities provides an understanding of the need for security protection planning. Although many governmental agencies provide the initial assessment, the ability to continually update and enhance protective measures is another tool in the tool belt of educational professionals. The Kaseware platform gives school administrators easy to follow dynamic reports, configurable to the physical makeup of facilities, that allow officials to create and update their own plans. With Kaseware, plans are easily shared with public safety and first responders to enable fast and immediate response to emergencies.

Anonymous Tip Lines & Public Portals
For many years, tip lines have proven to be invaluable for identifying criminal activity. As a part of the overall school safety strategy, tip lines are employed to prevent and disrupt violence. Tip lines are an effective approach to responding to bullying, a known precursor to disruptive behavior. Equally as vital is the prevention of teen suicide and self-harm. In most cases, distraught juveniles give little to no warning of an intent to injure themselves. The Kaseware public portal provides a direct line to communicate potentially catastrophic events as well as criminal activity to school safety professionals. Open communication facilitates awareness of potential safety issues.
Quickly Communicate & Collaborate with Law Enforcement
The challenge for school administrators and law enforcement has always been when and what information to share. It is incumbent upon educators to protect private and confidential information about their students. Teachers and administrators must constantly look out for their students’ best interest and welfare. Unfortunately, the line between the best interest and welfare of the child at times conflicts with the overall safety of the student body. As well, the welfare of the child necessitates the sharing of information with law enforcement. Law enforcement professionals, with regard to the confidentiality of student information, have developed a sharing platform with the best interest of both students and staff in mind.
The Kaseware developers recognize the importance of sharing information within limitations of the agency. Kaseware offers robust access tools that enable school administrators and the law enforcement professionals to control what information is shared. By utilizing the access tools, the Kaseware platform strengthens the relationship between the school and public safety professionals.