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Kaseware Team Growing Again!

By Korinne Condie

Announcing Our Two New Team Members

Another month and Kaseware is growing again! On September 9th, we welcomed two new members to the team. The first was Matt Brown to our Customer Success team and the second was Cody Smith to our Software Testing team. Matt and Cody have now been here almost exactly one month, and they are already busy helping us build an even better Kaseware product for our customers. Now let’s get to know more about these two outstanding team members!

Matt Brown

Customer Success

Matt Brown

“After leaving New York City right before middle school, I settled in Tampa, Florida and was there through middle school, high school and right into college. I pursued a career in Criminal Justice, having a big family background in criminal justice, law enforcement and the military. I did ride-alongs, worked with my professors, many who were police officers, and immersed myself in the law enforcement world.

After graduating in 2014, I was relocated to Denver, Colorado by my then-employer Ikea, and eventually ended up in Washington DC working for the US Department of Homeland Security working in Information Technology (IT). However, after a year in DC I realized I missed Colorado. I returned to Denver and continued to work in various IT positions, but found that most of my IT work took me further away from my initial goal of working in the law enforcement sector.

This is why I was so excited to find Kaseware. The job not only serves law enforcement but is also a startup — it is exciting to help build a company from the ground up. It also was a customer success role, and I have always felt like my strong suit, even in IT, was working with customers, resolving their problems, and being part of a customer success team.

The environment here at Kaseware is unique, and is it exciting to work with people who have a different outlook than the typical “9 to 5” employee. This company has the potential to be something really special!

When I am not working, I am always outdoors — whether it be skiing or riding motorcycles. I also DJ on the weekends at a club in downtown Denver.”

Cody Smith

Software Testing

Photo of New Hire Cody

“I was born in Salt Lake but moved all around the country with my dad’s job and have lived everywhere from Utah, Oregon, Oklahoma, Nevada, Florida, Arizona. In 2001, at the age of 21, I finally settled in the amazing state of Colorado — and I am never leaving, per my wife.

My first job was at K-Mart as an Inventory Control Specialist. In 2007, attended Metro State and pursued an Electrical Engineering degree with a concentration in Power and Control. Before graduation, I was hired as a Quality Assurance (QA) engineer at Automation Excellence, a company that contracts for startups. After graduation, I went to work full time for ProfitStreams until they closed their doors in 2012.

I then moved to MDC Holdings, also known as Richmond Homes, and also transitioned from QA to web development. My job was to automate and streamline the website, and develop whatever applications were needed across the company. In 2017, my wife’s company, a speech pathology practice called A Mile High Speech, was rapidly taking off so I went to work for her full time, designing the website and blog and whatever else I could do to support her. Her company has been extremely successful and I basically automated myself out of a job. As I result, I was ready to return to the software industry.

I soon found Kaseware. At my first interview I saw a demo of the system, and knew this was the next job for me — the founders had developed an application that was well thought out and designed correctly. It wasn’t just a bunch of applications shoehorned together with spaghetti code.

I am excited to be here. I believe in our product, and I know we are going to be successful. This application is worthy of assisting law enforcement and the private sector.

When I am not working, I camp with my family, play music whenever I can, and focus on my children. My personal parenting motto is “teach them what you weren’t taught, don’t buy them what you weren’t bought.” Right now I am teaching my son, who is only seven, to code; he is such an engineer and is always asking how things work. My goal is he will be a better engineer than I could ever be. My daughter has some special needs, and I “make it rain in therapies” to ensure she gets what she needs in life.”

Thank you Cody and Matt. We are so excited to have on our team!

Schedule a free demo today to learn more about us, our support offerings, and our incredible product features.

Korinne Condie is the Director of Customer Success at Kaseware. She is a former government contractor with extensive experience in system engineering, operations and customer success within both government and corporate organizations.

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